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Membership of the LGBC shall be composed of
Individual Membership:
Membership in this category shall be in principal open to interested Lebanese &/or German citizens who would like to be involved with the German business community.
Students: individuals who are currently enrolled in educational institutions, such as schools, colleges, or universities with an interest in Lebanese-German business relations or to continue their study in Germany.
Ambassadors: Students or Professionals that are dedicated members who actively promote and strengthen cultural and/or business ties between Lebanon and Germany.
Professionals: experienced professionals in a specific field / industry leaders with a strong interest in advancing bilateral cultural and/or business relations and are looking to stay informed about industry trend and business opportunities.
Experts: are highly accomplished individuals (CEO’s, business owners with more than 12 years of experience in a specific field) who have made significant contributions to the cultural and/or business relations between Lebanon and Germany.
Entities Membership:
Membership in this category shall be open to
- German Entities (organizations and companies) that do not have a local presence but have a business interest in Lebanon.
- German companies with a legal presence in Lebanon either through its own office or in affiliation with a Lebanese national, and
- Companies with a legal presence in Lebanon and whose business is an agency/distributorship for a German company.
Honorary Membership:
This will be granted to deserving persons with the potential to contribute to the wellbeing of the LGBC in a significant way. The council will grant the membership in the spirit of ensuring diversity of ideas and broadness of the income base.
The General Assembly
The General Assembly, which shall be composed of designated representative members,
The General Assembly shall be the supreme policy organ of the LGBC. All the powers of the LGBC shall, subject to the provisions of this Constitution, be vested in the General Assembly.
Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 2, the General Assembly shall, in particular
- Determine the policy of the LGBC;
- Determine programs, of the LGBC whose focus shall be to promote and protect the interests of the business community in the Common Market;
- Make recommendations to the policy organs of LGBC regarding policy issues that affect their interests;
- Approve the budget of the LGBC and elect members of the Board of Directors;
- Consider applications for membership of the LGBC membership;
- Decide on applications for membership of the LGBC to sub-regional, regional and international Organization;
- Decide on the suspension or termination of membership of a member;
- Decide on termination of operations of the LGBC;
Obligation of Members
Each member shall make every effort to plan and direct its programs with a view to ensure the promotion and attainment of the objectives of the LGBC. In particular, each member shall:
- Abide by the provisions of the Constitution and cooperate in all activities to ensure the promotion and attainment of the objectives of the LGBC;
- Support and carry out decisions of the General Assembly of the Board;
- Pay annual subscriptions and fees as and when required
Payment of Subscription
Members shall undertake to pay such subscriptions as may be determined by the Board.
Subscriptions shall be payable in advance or on due dates prescribed by the Board.
Membership of the LGBC in other Organizations
The LGBC may be a member or associate member of any sub-regional or international organization whose objectives are directly related to the objectives of the LGBC.
Suspension and Revocation
Members who despite of reminders, are in arrears of more than two years payment of subscription, or have failed to comply with other obligations defined in this Constitution, or the decisions of the General Assembly, shall, , be suspended from participating in the activities of the LGBC for a period of one year.
Any member on suspension who, at the end of the period provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article has not paid its arrears, or complied with any decision made by the General Association shall cease to be a member of the LGBC.
The suspension of membership shall not exempt a member from the discharge of its financial obligations to the LGBC.
Any member wishing to withdraw from the LGBC shall give to the Board one year’s written notice of its intention to withdraw and at the end of such year shall, if such notice is not withdrawn, cease to be a member of the LGBC.
During the period of one year referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, a member wishing to withdraw from the CBC shall nevertheless observe the provisions of this Constitution and shall remain liable for the discharge of its obligations under this Constitution.
The obligations assumed by members under this Constitution shall, to the extent necessary, survive the termination of membership of any member.
Any property and assets of the LGBC situated in the territory of a member State and is under the control of a member who has withdrawn from membership shall continue to be the property of the LGBC and be available to the LGBC.
Settlement of Disputes
Any dispute between members of the LGBC arising from the interpretation or application of this Constitution shall be settled amicably by agreement signed by the parties concerned. Upon failure to settle such dispute, the Board of Directors of the General Assembly shall, within one month, refer such a matter to the Court of Justice for Arbitration within its arbitration jurisdiction.
The cost of arbitration shall be borne on an equal basis by the LGBC and the parties to the dispute.
Data protection
All or part of the information provided by you will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy for administration of your membership and to keep you up to date with LGBC activities as well as entries in the LGBC Directory. You can edit your contact preferences at any time by contacting our office through mobile: 00961 70464093 or by email to:
The undersigned, on behalf of the company, hereby makes a formal application to join the Lebanese German Business Council. If we are admitted for Membership, we agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions, Constitution, and Rules of the Council, to pay our subscription promptly when called for, and have pleasure in providing the information as requested.
I hereby authorize the investigation of all statements contained in this application. I understand that any misrepresentation or omission of facts in this application, or in any documents used to secure membership, shall be grounds for rejection of this application, or for termination of membership if I have already been admitted, regardless of the time elapsed before such discovery.
I acknowledge and understand that this application does not constitute a contract of membership for a specified term.