The LGBC serves as a forum to allow its members to work and lobby for a better business environment and strong economic relations between Lebanon and Germany, identifying initiatives and opportunities that will benefit the general public in both countries.
Our vision is to become the most widely recognized organization between Lebanon and Germany for the promotion and lobbying of bilateral trade and investment in both countries through offering our existing and potential members best possible quality services.
Comming Soon
Comming Soon
Vice President
General Secretary
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member and Executive Director
LGBC mission is to create strong economic relations between Lebanon and Germany and identify opportunities for the benefit of both general public.
Becoming an LGBC member has many benefits; besides being on a prestigious council, you can benefit from:
And many more benefits are available on the Membership page.
LGBC was proudly founded in 1997.
If you were a member of LGBC, mainting good standing then YES! LGBC will support your visa application by providing a recommendation letter to the German Embassy.
LGBC objectives are not limited but can be summarized as follows: create a network of companies that work together; work and lobby for a better business environment; promote business relations between Lebanon and Germany; identify projects and activities that benefit both parties.
Ofcourse! We have membership programs for individuals such as Students,Professionals and experts! Along with our Entities program.
LGBC is located in Lebanon, Sin El Fil, Blvrd St.Rita, Michaca Bldg, 2nd Floor.